21 September 2016

Validation Process v2

Created Support Process

adding new statuses per request
- Pending
- assigned
- awaiting approval (teri, shep, ariana)
   -- approved
   --invalid registration

create record type for validation

added new case origin - validation - made it the only option for validation case record types
added reasons - validation, reinspection - separate reasons

validation queue - already exists

created approval notification email template

Approval Process

New Approval Process Steps

Step 2. Specify entry Criteria 

case reason = Validation

Step 3. specify Approver field and Record Editability Properties

Case Owner must be person requesting approval - Approval request will go to their manager
make sure everyone's user settings has their manager - done via dataloader

Step 4. Select Notification Templates

'approval process request notification' template

Step 5. Select Fields to Display on Approval Page Layout


Step 6. Specify Initial Submitters

Case owners and the Validation team

Specify whether a record must meet certain criteria before entering this approval step. If these criteria are not met, the approval process can skip to the next step, if one exists. Learn more

Step 3. Select Assigned Approver

all submissions go to Teri.  no delegated approver

To assign delegates, for each user, populate the Delegated Approver field on the user’s detail page.

if approval declined then close case automatically - no (manually update status to Need more info or Closed Rejected
     Closed - Rejected created this status
    removed normal Closed status from validation record type 

need - rejected, close done   AND  rejected, need more info  Need More Info created 
when approved - auto close  ,  closed - good/! - can't 
   created Field Update from Setup - Update Status to Need More Info.  Use in first rejection in the process.
Updated Validation Queue - all of that record type not closed.

test - if Teri accesses validation case owned by Sharon can teri submit then approve the case?  yes
customer support should only see customer support cases - updated the Validation Queue so they can't access 
need to update the profiles to not see those cases too done

validation role should only see validation and aging cases - done with profiles
test if Dee can edit or see aging and/or validation cases - nope

case creation - contact name required
(Contact.Id = "" ,
RecordTypeId = "012630000000JKC")

cant' close until approval done

on case page layout: make Description field prominent
Create a new page layout for validation cases
update the page layout assignements

create Follow Up button that creates a new task.  button near Edit button on case layout
validation.support@confirmation.com needs to be an email-to-case address forwarded to salesforce.  this need approval from Shep.   no customer reply notification necessary. 
Validation Cases can only be viewed by Validation Team and UP. 

create case origin - Self Registered 

make sure sharon/validation team can email from the validation email address. 

only teri to close validation cases
ISPICKVAL( Status , "Closed")
,ISPICKVAL( Status , "Auto Closure - Aging Days Under 5")
,ISPICKVAL( Status , "Closed - Validated")
,ISPICKVAL( Status , "Closed - Validated")
,ISPICKVAL( Status , "Closed - Rejected")
RecordTypeId = "012630000000JKC",
NOT($User.Id = "005A00000024Z8O"))

20 September 2016

Creating a New Case Process - Aging Confirmations

#1 Create the new Support Process

Titled it Aging Confirmations - Case creation and management process for accounts with aging confirmations. 

Used Current Status values of Open and Closed only
Updated additional settings for the Aging record type; case origin, case reason, priority, training issues, type

Added Case Origin - Aging Case Import
Associated this origin with the record type, Aging

Updated the record type, Aging, origin list to only have Aging Case Import available and marked as default. 

Created a new support process, Customer Support.  

Created new record type, Customer Support.  Assigned the new Customer Support support process to the new Customer Support record type.  Made this available for all Profiles. 

Updated the Layouts for customer support record type just for the customer support profile and admin profile. 

Case Origin : removed Aging
Case Reason : removed Aging
no other changes

Created fake CS email-to-case address. 

Added Case Record Type to the Page Layouts

Ensure each profile has appropriately assigned record types.  Sales will need to see Aging case record types.   Ensure the button master record type is 'customer support'

Add descriptions to the record types.

create process that 'completes' all aging record type cases when the case is closed.   closed normal or closed auto

assignment rules - if origin is 'aging case import' then do not reassign owner
alert aging public group of new email on aging case

Aging Case Process
Access an Account and notice the field 'Oldest Aging (Days)'.  This field will be part of the automatic data feed process from Confirmation.com.
This field is the controlling field in a formula field titled 'Has Aging Confirmation(s)'.  When the 'Oldest Aging (Days)' (OAD) field is null or 0 through 4 then 'Has Aging Confirmation(s) (HAC) is unchecked.  When OAD is greater than 4 then HAC is checked.  

Try changing the OAD field on account pages and see that cases and tasks are created and closed automatically.   Also, add contacts to those accounts with email addresses and last login dates populated, use your own email so you see the emails sent to customers.  Notice how the contact with the most recent login is the one who gets the email. 

Under the hood…

There is a process that runs in the background based on the HAC checkbox. 

When the HAC field on an Account goes from checked to unchecked any Aging Cases associated with that Account are marked 'Auto Closure - Aging Days Under 5' as the Status.  This is a Closed Status.  All of the Tasks associated with these Cases (should only ever be one open at a time) will be marked Complete and removed from the daily task items on the Home page.

When the HAC on an Account changes from unchecked to checked, meaning the account now has a confirmation pending over 5 days, a Workflow is triggered.  

The Workflow uses the account ID and searches for all of the Contacts linked to that ID finding the Contact with the most recent login to Confirmation.com (also fed automatically via the data feed from Confirmation.com).  Then an Aging Case is created using the Account ID and Contact ID to populate the case's related records.   The Status is set to 'Open', the Owner is 'Aging Case Queue' and the Case Origin is set to 'Aging Case Import'. 

A Task is also created and the due date is scheduled for Three Days After the Case Creation Date.  This Task is assigned to Teri. 

Here's a list of steps the Sales Team, Teri and I discussed to manage the tasks on these cases. 
1. Aging rep completes original automated task by reaching out to the contact on the case. 
2. Aging rep can continue to update that task or complete that and create new tasks, assigned to themselves, for any follow up.  
3. When it's time to escalate to the sales team the aging rep will create a task assigned to the owner of the account (sales rep) and set the due date. 
4. Sales will work on the task and update the aging team with another tasks to complete any additional actions. 

In summary:
Aging Rep
1. From Home Page, complete daily Tasks
2. When needed, assign Task to Sales Rep

1. From Home Page, complete daily Tasks
2. When needed, assign Task to Aging Rep

Audit Trail
Created record type: Aging
Added value Aging Case Import to Case Origin picklist with color Assigned dynamically
Created record type: Customer Support
Changed Cases page layout Feed Case Layout
Created flow with Name "Aging Case Creation" and Unique Name "Aging_Case_Creation"
Created custom formula field: Oldest Aging (Days) (Number)
Created custom formula field: Has Aging Confirmation(s) (Checkbox)
Added value Auto Closure - Aging Days Under 5 to Case Status picklist with color Assigned dynamically
Changed Case Status picklist value from Auto Closure - Aging Days Under 5 to Auto Closure - Aging Days Under 5 (Closed)
Created workflow rule Aging_Confirmations3016300000011ND for Object: Account
Created Flow Trigger Aging_Confirmations3016300000011ND for Object: Account
Activated flow version #2 "Mark Case Closed" for flow with Unique Name "Mark_Case_Closed"
Created Email Alert Alert to Customer of Aging Confirmation for Object: Contact
Changed Default Workflow User to Shepley Smith
Changed email for user Shepley Smith from shepley.smith=confirmation.com@example.com to capconsupp@gmail.com
Created Email Alert Aging Confirmation Alert to Customer for Object: Case
Changed Case Assignment Rule Support Email Routing
Created Task please follow up on aging email for Object: Case
Activated workflow rule run task on aging case creation for Object: Case
Created Queue Aging Cases
Changed membership for Queue Aging Cases
Activated flow version #10 "Aging Case Creation" for flow with Unique Name "Aging_Case_Creation"
Created Public Group Aging Case Group_Creation"
Created Email Alert Email Aging Rep when customer replies to aging case for Object: Case
Created workflow rule Customer replied to aging case for Object: Case
Activated flow version #11 "Aging Confirmations" for flow with Unique Name "Aging_Confirmations"