Since there's a bit of a lull in waiting for the test email address from IT to get Email-to-Case going I decided to move ahead and work on setting up Knowledge now.
I have an email from marketing which will be my first knowledge article added. First though, I need to work through the SET-UP GUIDE.
Enable Salesforce Knowledge
I skipped straight to page 8 of the guide, enabling Knowledge...To set up or edit your knowledge Base, from Setup, enter Knowledge Settings in the Quick Find box, select Knowledge Settings, then click Edit.
Currently I'm the only one adding and editing articles. We bought 2 Knowledge User licenses so I'll be able to allow one more person to create and edit. Haven't ID'd that person yet however.
To do more than read articles, agents need the Knowledge User license.
- From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
- Click Edit next to the user's name or click New to create a user.
- If you are creating a user, complete all the required fields.
- Select the Knowledge User checkbox.
- Click Save.
The guide gives a good explanation of the options listed here. Here are my setting based on what I know about our company. For instance, we have a partner community for one of our partners in APAC so we'll make the article summaries visible to them.
We have support agents in Europe and Asia. I'm currently gathering information regarding the language requirements in those regions. Sticking with Single Language for now since you can't go back once Multiple is selected.
*Received feedback from UK Director. Adding German as a supported language.
Here's the last image of the current settings. If any changes are applied I'll note that below.
Now for adding that marketing email communication as an article.
Enable knowledge for a knowledge user...
Setup, Users, edit user, Check 'Knowledge User', Save
Create article types
Creating a New Article was pretty self explanatory except for the fact that you must (most likely you must) create a custom field for rich text. The standard fields aren't really sufficient for creating articles. Found this out watching the video above.
other sections to consider still...
Create Custom profiles for Knowledge Users - or permission
Why can't my user see the Knowledge tab?!?!?!?
Well, after about 30 minutes of digging I found the answer...
- Make sure the Knowledge object is available to the user either through Profile settings or a Permission Set
- ...Setup | Profiles | 'select the profile' | Object Settings | Knowledge | make sure it's not 'Tab Hidden'
- Now for the potentially confusing part. Do the same thing for your Knowledge Articles you want the users to see. In order for the user to have access to the Knowledge tab they must have 'read' rights on at least one Article AND the Articles are represented as 'Objects' for Profiles or Permission Sets to enable.
- ...Setup | Profiles | 'select the profile' | Object Settings | 'Article Name' | Need 'Read' permission at a minimum
* page 13 of the guide. 8th bullet point... 8. Ensure each user has at least a Read permission on at least one article type.
Thank you Atul Gupta for the answer on the Salesforce Success Community
sets...Add Knowledge-related tabs to apps. Add Knowledge-related data to page layouts.Create Data CategoriesSet Visibility of the Data CategoriesEnable Feed Tracking on Article Types
*Received feedback from UK Director. Adding German as a supported language.
other sections to consider still...
Create Custom profiles for Knowledge Users - or permission
Why can't my user see the Knowledge tab?!?!?!?
Well, after about 30 minutes of digging I found the answer...
- Make sure the Knowledge object is available to the user either through Profile settings or a Permission Set
- ...Setup | Profiles | 'select the profile' | Object Settings | Knowledge | make sure it's not 'Tab Hidden'
- Now for the potentially confusing part. Do the same thing for your Knowledge Articles you want the users to see. In order for the user to have access to the Knowledge tab they must have 'read' rights on at least one Article AND the Articles are represented as 'Objects' for Profiles or Permission Sets to enable.
- ...Setup | Profiles | 'select the profile' | Object Settings | 'Article Name' | Need 'Read' permission at a minimum
* page 13 of the guide. 8th bullet point... 8. Ensure each user has at least a Read permission on at least one article type.
Thank you Atul Gupta for the answer on the Salesforce Success Community
Thank you Atul Gupta for the answer on the Salesforce Success Community