18 July 2016

Created Email Templates / Email Alert / Process

I've created a Process that kicks off an email template to desired recipients based on requirements. 

Email Template

Simple Template to let certain departments know of an updated field in Salesforce. 

The account, {!Account.Name}, has agreed to mandate Company.com service on {!Account.Mandate_Start_Date__c}.

Account Details {!Account.Link}
Account Rep {!Account.OwnerFullName}
Account Region {!Account.Region__c}

Salesforce Automation

This will provide the necessary info to each department. 

Email Alert

Two Alerts have been created, one for Marketing and one for Support.  The email templates are sent to the managers of each department. 

Example of the Marketing Alert

Email Alert Detail
Description -  Email Marketing of Mandate Service
Email Template - Marketing Notification of Mandate Service
Unique Name - Email_Marketing_of_Mandate_Service
Object - Account
From Email Address - Default Workflow User's email address  
Recipients - Role and Internal Subordinates: Director of Marketing
Additional Emails -   

Lightning Process Builder

The process builder kicks off the alerts based on some filters.  
Marketing needs to know immediately and Support needs to know on the date populated in Salesforce. 

Set up email templates such that the customer support signature, subject line and email body are defaulted.

We need all of the email templates to include the body of the previous email.  

This seems to be working so far.

{!EmailMessage.TextBody}  in the end of the HTML template. 

We need the subject line to be pulled from the original email. 

So far, so good...


We need customer support reps signatures to be uniform and have the image for our company included. 

Using a trick in one of the success forum posts I've created a custom rich text field  and added the image as a link in that. 

Customer Support

Company link | LinkedIn | Facebook

"company image as a web link"

"legal info"

This is also working so far. 


New thoughts 15th Aug 2016

added html into the out-of-the-box signatures in salesforce. 

<p><strong>Luke Higgins</strong><br />Salesforce Administrator<br /><strong>P</strong> +1 (615) 555-7537&nbsp; |&nbsp; <strong>M</strong> +1 (615) 555-3875<br /><a href="https://www.con.com/">Con.com </a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/concom">LinkedIn </a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/C">Twitter</a><br /><img src="https://www.con.com/media/72637/conb_190_67.png?width=190&amp;height=67" alt="" width="190" height="67" /><br />One platform etc... </p>

<p>The information in this message is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee.&nbsp; Access to this message by anyone else is unauthorized.&nbsp; If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, or distribution of the message, or any action or omission taken by you in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Please immediately contact the sender if you have received this message in error. Thank you.</p>

used this site.    http://wordtohtml.net/