27 July 2016

Partner Community Demo Setup

Create Users

In order to create Users in a Partner Community, assuming the partner community is already set up, you'll need to make sure the Partner's company exists as an account in your org.   On their account page select "Enable Partner User".  

Create Contacts associated with that account and Enable them too as Partner Users.  Once enabled you'll be taken to their user profile page.  

Create APAC Queues

For the demo, the partner managers want to see multiple queue with assignment based on what country the email is coming from.  I don't have the domain filters yet, where emails from .nz will go to the New Zealand queue, but I do have contacts associated with accounts in the different countries.  When emails come in from those contacts, based on the account billing country they'll get assigned to the correct queue. 

Assign Reps to View Queue and List View

I've added members of the partner account to the queues.  Everyone is in all the queues for now except Edwina.  She's only in the HK queue. 


Create Contact's Emails to Match Country Accounts

Used a bunch of gmail accounts and assigned those emails as contacts to accounts in the different countries. 
My fake email will go to the AU queue, for instance.