01 August 2016

Web to Case rollout

  1. From Setup, enter Web-to-Case in the Quick Find box, then select Web-to-Case.
  2. Select 

Enable Web-to-Case.

  1. Choose a default case origin.
  2. Select a default response template for automatically notifying customers that their case was created.
    If you set up response rules to use different email templates based on the information submitted, the default email template is used when no response rules apply. Leave this option blank if you do not wish to send emails when no response rules apply. This template must be marked as “Available for Use.”
  3. Select Hide Record Information to hide the record information in the email sent to customers if the case creation fails.
  4. Enter an email signature if you’d like to use a different signature than the default.
  5. Click Save.

  • Create custom case fields, if needed.
  • Create a default email template for the automated notification that will be sent to your customers when they submit a case.
  • Create case queues if you wish to assign incoming cases to queues as well as to individual users.
  • Customize Support settings to select the default owner of cases that don’t meet the criteria in your assignment rule.
  • Create an active case assignment rule to determine how web-generated cases are assigned to users or put into queues. If you do not set an active assignment rule, all web-generated cases are assigned to the default owner you specify in the Support Settings.
Next, you’re ready to set up Web-to-Case.

  • Salesforce doesn’t support rich text area (RTA) fields on Web-to-Case forms. If you use RTA fields on your forms, any information entered in them is saved as plain text when the case is created.


  1. Added Case Origin - "Web-form"
  2. Default Case Origin is web-form
  3. Used 'Default Response Template' - SUPPORT:  Web-to-Case email response (SAMPLE)

Generated Web  -   

<!--  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  -->
<!--  NOTE: Please add the following <META> element to your page <HEAD>.      -->
<!--  If necessary, please modify the charset parameter to specify the        -->
<!--  character set of your HTML page.                                        -->
<!--  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  -->

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

<!--  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  -->
<!--  NOTE: Please add the following <FORM> element to your page.             -->
<!--  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  -->

<form action="https://cs41.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToCase?encoding=UTF-8" method="POST">

<input type=hidden name="orgid" value="00D550000006gvD">
<input type=hidden name="retURL" value="http://">

<!--  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  -->
<!--  NOTE: These fields are optional debugging elements. Please uncomment    -->
<!--  these lines if you wish to test in debug mode.                          -->
<!--  <input type="hidden" name="debug" value=1>                              -->
<!--  <input type="hidden" name="debugEmail"                                  -->
<!--  value="luke.higgins@confirmation.com">                                  -->
<!--  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  -->

<label for="name">Contact Name</label><input  id="name" maxlength="80" name="name" size="20" type="text" /><br>

<label for="email">Email</label><input  id="email" maxlength="80" name="email" size="20" type="text" /><br>

<label for="subject">Subject</label><input  id="subject" maxlength="80" name="subject" size="20" type="text" /><br>

<label for="description">Description</label><textarea name="description"></textarea><br>

<input type="submit" name="submit">


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